
I’ll never forget the first time I saw an Asian babe in real life. I was at a strip club and she was a server. I almost drank myself to death that night. I ordered my drinks one at a time and didn’t even drink most of them. It was an excuse to get to talk to her. She was absolutely beautiful and I was captivated. I would’ve given anything for the chance to be with her. 

I’m way too shy to have ever given her my number or made an advance in any way. Instead, I go here and check out webcams that feature Asian babes and think of her. Any time of day or night I can log in and find hundreds of beauties from the Far East that are just waiting for an audience. I can chat with them, or at least the ones that speak English, or go into a private room and have an intense sexual experience. No matter what I’m doing, you can bet your sweet ass I’m thinking of that cocktail waitress though.

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